Recycling Services
Residential-Single Stream Curbside Recycling
What Is Single Stream
Single-stream recycling is a system in which all recycled materials – fiber, plastics, tin, and aluminum – are placed, unsorted, in the Recycle Cart. With our single-stream cart residential collection program, Ottenbreit Sanitation Services (OSS) Waste Disposal can help divert approximately 40% of your household waste from your local landfill. An easy and convenient way to divert your waste from the garbage stream and accomplish your commitment to recycling. All of your recycling can be picked up at one location—your home! Let us give you a convenient, time-saving and hassle-free way to recycle all year round.
All approved recyclables can now be placed together in the recycle cart. Accepted materials are listed below. Other materials for recycling will be added in the future as the necessary processing equipment is put into place. The recycle cart will be picked up in a timeframe that will allow the capacity of the cart to be utilized most efficiently.
Please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with our collection program. It is an easy and convenient way to demonstrate your commitment to recycling and protecting our environment.
Allowable Materials
Paper & Cardboard
Flattened corrugated cardboard and paperboard (empty cereal boxes, empty detergent boxes, empty tissue boxes)
Newspaper, flyers, inserts, junk mail, and envelopes
Magazines, catalogues, telephone books, paperback books, hardcover books with covers and spines removed
Brown paper bags, tissue roll cores, gift and packing paper, paper egg cartons
Copier paper, NCR (no carbon required) paper

Containers with logo 1-7 *No plastic food containers labelled #1
Aseptic Packaging & Cartons
Juice and milk cartons, milk jugs, tetra-pak containers, pouches
Aluminum & Tin
Soft drink and beer cans
Foil trays and pie plates
Household tin cans (please rinse)

Glass (Manitoba Only)
Household bottles and jars (please rinse)
Non-Allowable Materials
Household garbage, organics, or hazardous waste
Waxed, plasticized or food-contaminated paper, cardboard cups or plastic plates
Soiled tissues, napkins, and paper towels
Confetti shredded paper
Styrofoam or other foam packing materials
Auto parts or batteries
Oil or chemical jugs
No Plastic Bags
No Plastic wrap
No plastics labelled #1 Ex. Black and clear clamshell food containers.
Glass (Saskatchewan)